3 Days to goo.....

I've gone from counting weeks to counting days! Oh my! It seems like this has been the quickest 10 months of my life. I never thought that it would pass this fast. But now that its here these past few days are feeling like centuries.

How I'm feeling??? FAT!! I've gained 48 lbs this entire pregnancy. I don't think I look like it (and if you say differently then POO ON YOU). But I feel it. My back is killing me! Overall though I'm feeling pretty good. I'm not sleeping at night becuase I have to use the bathroom everyone 30 minutes. I'm also having some pretty crazy dreams. But we won't even get into all that!

My Thoughts??? Well HOLY COW to begin. I can't beleive that in less than 2 weeks I'm going to have a little baby! I've known it all along but it just seems so unreal. I can't wait to get this little man here. I'm more nervous about the first few days with him than I am worried about labor. I know that thanks to both of our wonderful families that we will have plenty of help though.

Wellp, For real now. Thanks to my wonderful family the nursery is COMPLETE. I mean completly. Its been basically done for a while. But there were still a couple of finsihing touches and organizing left to do. It is DONE! Pics will soon be posted!

Well guys! I thank you all for your prayers & thoughts. Hopefully the next time I'll be blogging about being a new mommie instead of my belly. I have a Dr. appt on Monday so I will be sure to update everyone after that! Keep us in your prayers for a quick birth and a healthy baby!

Funny Things My Husband Has Said...

So you all know that Matthew & I are brand spankin new parents. Well Matt hasn't ever been around a new baby. So I figured i'd post some of the cute things he's said in the past 9 months that made me laugh.

  • New borns don't cry that loud
  • It can't be that hard, all you have to do is feed them and change the diapers
  • -He thought a changing table was the same thing they had in public bathrooms-
  • You'll still feel like cooking
  • *while watching a movie* They don't really spit up like that
And all of those are pretty much direct quotes lol. I have a feeling he's going to be in shock when this little man gets here. But I have no worries, I know that whatever comes along he'll deal with it. He's going to be an amazing dad, as soon as the shock wears off haha.

And I'm Officially Full Term...

Holy cow. At 36 weeks I was full term. Now I'm a week past and nothing new. I've been dialated at 1 cm for 3 weeks now. I went to the Dr. today but no news, she didn't even check to see if I had progressed any... BOO! I was hoping to atleast be at 1.5 cm just SOMETHING to say I'm farther along.

The nursery is almost complete. The walls are bare... its really hard to find Winnie the Pooh stuff that I like... but besides that I have myself a working nursery. I have organized and washed the clothes and everything. (Of course with the help of my amazing family)

Luckily Matt has been home latley. I'm hoping that when/if he goes it'll just be overnight and little Ethan will hold on until he gets back. But I guess we will see!!

The closer it comes to time the more I want him sooo bad. I want to hold my baby. It feels sooooo surreal. I can't beleive that next month at this time (hopefully) I will have a little baby in my arms. How crazy is that. I wanna know what he looks like, I wanna hear him. Its crazy to know that pretty soon I will be an official mother. I wanna discover the shocking things of motherhood. I know its going to be hard, overwhelming, and scary, but I also know its going to be so amazing to hold MY child. I can't wait.

I'd like to take a minute to brag. I know bragging is annoying, but its my blog so BLAH to you.... I would like EVERYONE to know how truly amazing my family is. They have supported me through the good, the bad and the  ugly. I know that I wouldn't have half the life I have if it weren't for them. Espically my mother who has always been my best friend.  When I have someone here with me every time Matt leaves, when all I have to do is mention something and its done in a day, when all my worries aren't really worries is when this is shown to me the most. I have their support which is an amazing feeling. So to all of my family who is reading this I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well guys (probably all gals). I'd like to call it a day. Thanks for staying upadted!! Send me good labor vibes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Time To Get Crackin

I feel like I have so much to do and so little time to do it!! I know I still have 6 weeks but it still seems soooo close. Espically now, I've started seeing the Dr. once a week instead of every two!!

The nursery is in shambles! All the big stuff is in there and ready to go, but I still have to wash the clothes and decorate. It looks like a disaster right now and is driving me crazy!!!! There's a pic of Matt painting a bookshelf for the nursery!! I'm trying to keep photos of everything we do to get ready, just so we'll have it for memories!!


Everyone please mumble a little prayer for me, I've decided to try labor with no meds. I'm not going to bum myself out or be disappointed if I have to get pain meds. But my my goal is to make it through without.

I've had 2 new belly pics since the last time I updated, just look to the right and see them :-).

There's not really much to update. The Dr. said everything looks like its going real good and that i'm right on track for him to be 7lbs when he's born. Measuring perfectly. Everytime she hears his heart beat she said its right on track. I gained 9 lbs in 2 weeks (holy cow). But then the last time I went I had only gained 2 lbs in 2 weeks.

My belly is starting to look like something from Alien. It'll shift from side to side and these lumps will appear out of no where. My legs can only stand about 5 mintues without hurting. I guess I'm not used to all this weight. Ughh. My butt is covered in stretch marks. But its just my behind so I guess I can't complain about them too much yet :-).

Bottom line: I'M SICK OF BEING PREGNANT. I wanna lay on my belly. I wanna be able to see my thighs. There's a whole list but I won't go into it :-). Not only that, I'm just ready for my little man to get here. I wanna see my baby. I get so jealous when I see people with their babies. But not too much longer.

I forgot I hadn't blogged since the baby shower. HOLY MOLY!! I have such wonderful family & friends!! I'm not even going to BEGIN to tell you all the stuff I got. I got pretty much everything he will need for his first few months, and then some more. The pic underneath is a picture of me and my BFF Lacey at the shower!! I can't beleive how big I look in a dress!! My dad also came to visit. Him and Becky brought us the stroller/car seat. It is SOOO cute!! The exact one I wanted. And I like it better espically now that its mine :-)


Well ladies & gents I think that's all for now!! I'll update as soon as I have something to update about :-)

30 Weeks & 1 Days!!

9 Weeks and 6 days to go!! WOO HOO!! I can't beleive I'm in the single digits! It seems like 9 months should feel longer than this!!

I went to the Dr. today! She said everything is looking great! I'm right on track with my weight gain and Little Baby Ethan should be 7 lbs when he's born :-). I weigh 156. I started out in the 120s (i don't quite remember becuase it was never the same). I've been told that E is gonna tripple in size between now and the time he is born, I don't know where's he's gonna fit but okay... lol.

I know a lot of mothers who LOVE being pregnant (mine for example). But I'm not enjoying it. Maybe afterwards I will look on it as a wonderful experience but right now, not so much. I'm not gonna go as far to say that I'm misearable, but just constantly uncomfortable. I also know that this experience is the beginning to the most rewarding in my life ( being a mom), but it doesn't mean that all of it is gonna be luxary, and I don't expect it too. The worst thing I can think of (right now) is how tired I am of eating. I feel like I constanly eat, if I'm not stuffed I'm hungry, and the stuffed feeling only lasts for about MAYBE an hour, so after that I'm hungry again. That may now sound so bad to you, but try eating all day everyday and then after about 3 days tell me how ya feel! There's a few more complaints, but I'm sure you don't wanna know them all. The main one that my dearest hubby would have is about the hormones. I had a bad day -not your average bad day but your pregnant hormonal bad day- not too long ago. I probably said about 2 sentences to Matt, and I'm sure they weren't pleasant. After that day he said he's decided that we're not having anymore children hahaha, or if we did we were adpoting, or he was sending me to an island for those 9 months lol. I don't think he really understands what hormones can really do to ya, but he tries.

So enough about the pregnancy...

Easter just passed. Not much to say about it. Matt's Mom, Cousin (Kelley), her Husband (Brian), & her son (Devin) came. It was nice to have a kid around so we could color & hide eggs, becuase I don't think Matt would have enjoyed looking for eggs hiding in his yard hehehe. I really enjoyed it though.

Alisa (Matt's Mom) is here for the week. Its nice having company while he's away! It gives me a good distraction. She likes being here too, I think, she gets to see where Matt works and where Baby E is gonna be born.

Well the biggest thing I have to look foward to is the baby shower coming up this Saturday! I can't believe its soooo close! It seems like its too soon but its realy not that soon! I'm so excited and I can NOT wait.

We have the nursery ready (as it can be). My wonderful wonderful granparents came along with my (equally as wonderful) mother one night. I wanted to visit but put them to work!! Mema cooked papa rearranged furniture and hung up my new curtians. And when Matt got off of work all of them moved our Ginoumus (yes ginormus) desk out of the once office to the now office/guest room. Everything fit perfectly and I now have a empty, nail-hole-free, painted baby room. I'm so excited!!! We ordered the crib and its on backorder, so PLEASE pray for me that it'll get here within the next 9 weeks. (Hopefully 8 to give Matt time to put it together & me time to decorate).

Well bloggies, I guess its that time. My fingers are tired and I'd be impressed if you made it this far! Thanks for reading and I will update after my baby shower!!! (And here's a belly pic -kinda-. In this pic I was 29 weeks and 6 days preggo!! It was our Easter... excuse my husbands pants, it was his last day off before a patrol)


Love Ya!

Life Update!!

Hello all! Just wanted to post a little update on my life!!

As of today I am 25 weeks pregnant!! WOO HOO!! It seems like its going by soo slow but so fast at the same time! I had a check-up last week and the Dr. said she is happy with everything. My weight gain is perfect it seems like little baby P is doing good. So all is good in that area!! I think we have decided on a name but still vote!! There's only 4 votes and I know more than 4 people read this blog!!!!! Here's a belly pic of me at 24 weeks!


Married life is GREAT! No updates form that really. It doesn't feel TOO different from before. I'm just extremely happy with our decision and couldn't imagine things any other way! I think we're planning on moving soon. Our lease is up in April, and we both think it'll be better for us to be closer to civilization. I LOVE my house now, but it really doesn't make since for us to stay out here for another year. So we're gonna try! I'll keep everyone updated with our new address so no worries!!

Welp I guess that's is for now!! Love you all and thanks for reading!

Wow... So Much To Add!

First of all let me say... My keyboard on my laptop is missing the space bar. I have a space button that is a itty bittly little dot, and is hard to hit no matter how you type. Thus the reason I haven't blogged latley!!

First of all the wedding went GREAT!! I couldn't have asked for anything better! It was as if we had been planning it for years! It was AWESOME to have both of our familes there (even though we didn't get to visit much). But just everyone sharing our day w/ us was wonderful!! I had a wonderful time! I felt like a princess :-).

I must put in a special thanks for everyone who shared our day with us!! Also, Carolyn & Teresa (the 2 best Aunts in the WORLD)- this would not have happened w/o you!! Thanks so much!!


So about the pregnancy?? As of today I am 23 weeks!! 17 more to goooo!!!

I'm sure that most of you have heard but the 26th we went for our ultrasound and found out that little baby Prosser is a BOY!!!!!!! We are super excited! I don't think I've ever seen Matt smile as much as I did the day he found out it was a boy!! I promise you he smiled -big goofy grin.. not just a smirk- ALL DAY LONG!  It was also his first ultrasound! He said he was really confused! But I'm soooo glad I got to share that moment with him!

He has started kicking like crazy!! Every morning when I'm laying in bed and everynight when I've settled down are his favorite times to move around!! My mom got to feel him kick the other night... she cried it was so cute!  I weighed myself yesterday and it was 149!! OH MY!! I have gained quite a bit! The Dr. warned me about this!!

For the first time I actually felt REALLY pregnant. My tummy was tight, I couldn't walk right or bend over! It was an interesting experience -but that feeling comes and goes after eating too much-!! The worse part about all of it (so far) is that i'm tired of going to the bathroom every 15 minutes and I"m tired of eating!! I don't even crave anything. I'm sick of food!! Don't get me wrong! I loooove to eat! But I never get full anymore... I just get bored w/ what I'm eating!!

My next Dr appt is the Feb 23rd. I'll update some more after that! But that's all folks! -for now atleast-

Wedding Planning!

Wow, this has been painless so far... Its kinda scaring me. I'm not sure if I should double check every little detail to make sure I'm not missing anything. Thanks goodness my aunt is Martha Stewart remixed. I don't think she'll let us miss anything.

Its going to turn out great. I finally got the invites out. I was rusing to get those out and now that I'm done I feel like I have nothing to do.

I found the perfect dress. My step dad told me he'd buy it for me, which is AWESOME! We have to pick it up a couple of days before the wedding, hopefully my belly will stay where it is until then!! I'm so excited about how everything is turning out!

Just adding a belly pic!!

I think this was @ like 14 or 15 Weeks :-)

17 Week Check Up & Wedding Planning

Okay, so first the check up went well. I've gained 7 lbs throughout this pregnancy. The Dr. said I was right on key and next time I go in i'll have gained a good extra 5 or 10 lbs (GREAT). It took her a bit to find the heartbeat.. it kinda scared me. But she said I was just carrying low and there were no worries, that is also why I haven't felt the baby move yet :-(. All is well though.

Wedding.. ARGH! So we decided to go ahead and plan a small wedding. That was a week ago, and the wedding is growing by the minute. We made a guest/invite list and it was 150 people long! AHHH!! AND we only have 2 weeks. HOLY POOP! So Matthew has  left for another patrol and I'm in Lumberton with the family for a while, hopefully going to plan a wedding! So invites will get to you guys asap!

I had a great New Years. I wasn't looking forward to it becuase I figured it'd be me and Matt half asleep on the couch. But one of his buddies from the boat called and we went to get Japaneese with them, then they came over and we played Mario, chatted, and watched the ball drop. It actually turn out to be a lot of fun!

As time goes by I get more and more excited about my baby. This is going to be the longest 5 months EVER!!! Oh well. I have a lot to look forward to between now and then!!

Our Next appt is Feb 2nd. That's when we'll find out the gender!! WOOT WOOT! I'll be sure to keep everyone updated!
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