Wedding Planning!

Wow, this has been painless so far... Its kinda scaring me. I'm not sure if I should double check every little detail to make sure I'm not missing anything. Thanks goodness my aunt is Martha Stewart remixed. I don't think she'll let us miss anything.

Its going to turn out great. I finally got the invites out. I was rusing to get those out and now that I'm done I feel like I have nothing to do.

I found the perfect dress. My step dad told me he'd buy it for me, which is AWESOME! We have to pick it up a couple of days before the wedding, hopefully my belly will stay where it is until then!! I'm so excited about how everything is turning out!

Just adding a belly pic!!

I think this was @ like 14 or 15 Weeks :-)

17 Week Check Up & Wedding Planning

Okay, so first the check up went well. I've gained 7 lbs throughout this pregnancy. The Dr. said I was right on key and next time I go in i'll have gained a good extra 5 or 10 lbs (GREAT). It took her a bit to find the heartbeat.. it kinda scared me. But she said I was just carrying low and there were no worries, that is also why I haven't felt the baby move yet :-(. All is well though.

Wedding.. ARGH! So we decided to go ahead and plan a small wedding. That was a week ago, and the wedding is growing by the minute. We made a guest/invite list and it was 150 people long! AHHH!! AND we only have 2 weeks. HOLY POOP! So Matthew has  left for another patrol and I'm in Lumberton with the family for a while, hopefully going to plan a wedding! So invites will get to you guys asap!

I had a great New Years. I wasn't looking forward to it becuase I figured it'd be me and Matt half asleep on the couch. But one of his buddies from the boat called and we went to get Japaneese with them, then they came over and we played Mario, chatted, and watched the ball drop. It actually turn out to be a lot of fun!

As time goes by I get more and more excited about my baby. This is going to be the longest 5 months EVER!!! Oh well. I have a lot to look forward to between now and then!!

Our Next appt is Feb 2nd. That's when we'll find out the gender!! WOOT WOOT! I'll be sure to keep everyone updated!
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