3 Days to goo.....

I've gone from counting weeks to counting days! Oh my! It seems like this has been the quickest 10 months of my life. I never thought that it would pass this fast. But now that its here these past few days are feeling like centuries.

How I'm feeling??? FAT!! I've gained 48 lbs this entire pregnancy. I don't think I look like it (and if you say differently then POO ON YOU). But I feel it. My back is killing me! Overall though I'm feeling pretty good. I'm not sleeping at night becuase I have to use the bathroom everyone 30 minutes. I'm also having some pretty crazy dreams. But we won't even get into all that!

My Thoughts??? Well HOLY COW to begin. I can't beleive that in less than 2 weeks I'm going to have a little baby! I've known it all along but it just seems so unreal. I can't wait to get this little man here. I'm more nervous about the first few days with him than I am worried about labor. I know that thanks to both of our wonderful families that we will have plenty of help though.

Wellp, For real now. Thanks to my wonderful family the nursery is COMPLETE. I mean completly. Its been basically done for a while. But there were still a couple of finsihing touches and organizing left to do. It is DONE! Pics will soon be posted!

Well guys! I thank you all for your prayers & thoughts. Hopefully the next time I'll be blogging about being a new mommie instead of my belly. I have a Dr. appt on Monday so I will be sure to update everyone after that! Keep us in your prayers for a quick birth and a healthy baby!

Funny Things My Husband Has Said...

So you all know that Matthew & I are brand spankin new parents. Well Matt hasn't ever been around a new baby. So I figured i'd post some of the cute things he's said in the past 9 months that made me laugh.

  • New borns don't cry that loud
  • It can't be that hard, all you have to do is feed them and change the diapers
  • -He thought a changing table was the same thing they had in public bathrooms-
  • You'll still feel like cooking
  • *while watching a movie* They don't really spit up like that
And all of those are pretty much direct quotes lol. I have a feeling he's going to be in shock when this little man gets here. But I have no worries, I know that whatever comes along he'll deal with it. He's going to be an amazing dad, as soon as the shock wears off haha.
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