2nd Dr Appt (13 Weeks and 1 Day)

Today was my second Drs appt. It was pretty interesting. But first let me say the baby is fine! She checked the heart beat which was 151 bpm. Asked me if everything was okay i asked her a few questions and she sent me on my way. Not so interesting huh?

Well my appt was @ 11:30. I get there and there's a girl in the waiting room... No biggie. I check in blah blah blah, i'm in the waiting room and I hear screaming. Like a woman yelling at someone constantly. I'm like okay???? The ppl at the desk would answer the phone and say we have to take a message we're having some problems. Okay then a cop comes in i'm like WOAHHH... He looks at me and says 'are you okay?' I'm like uh yeah. So he goes to the back  the ANOTHER cop comes in and askes me if there was a cop already in the back, i say yeah, then he said are u okay miss. I said yeah. Then they escort this guy out. I'm like holy crap! I have no idea what happened but I didn't get to see the Dr. until like 12:45. And it was literlally a 5 minute visit.

Jan 5th is my next appointment. They'll test for any illnesses. Then in Feburary I'll find out the sex... FEBURARY!! UGHHH sooo far away. But its okay. I'll be happy either way. But I don't know if i can hold out on baby shopping for two months!!

As for me I'm doing good. I haven't had any weird cravings. Espically not for pickles. I always thought that if I had that craving i'd rather NOT eat. I just can't stand the thought, look, smell, ANYTHING about pickles. I'm so thankful I haven't had that craving yet. I get nautious easy, no vomiting. I haven't felt any movement yet I don't think. I'm tired but can never sleep. But besides that i'm doing pretty good.

So that's pretty much it about the baby, but now an update on our lives.

We're getting married. Sorry you had to find out from a blog but i'm trying not to make a big deal out of it. You may find that weird, but I just wanna be married. I know its technically just a legal document. But still I love Matt and I know I want to be with him for the rest of my life, and I'm ready to be married. After the baby is born we are going to have a receptionish thing to celebrate our marrige with our family and friends. I know it's not the same as a wedding, but its really what I want. We have no idea when where or how its going to happen, we're going to discuss that tonight. So i'll keep you guys updated on that.

Besides the stress of deciding about marrige we're doing pretty good. I've found this website (coastiechicks.net) which is a support group for people who are connected in any way to the Coast Guard. I never new that a few people over the internet could be such a support group. Every time i need answers or opinions or just plain support I post a message and they're there. Its crazy. I'm so happy I found it.

Well guys I think that's enough for this blog! Thanks for being interested!!! Love you all!

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